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  • +91-22-41271324
  • contact@shippingtribune.com

The Shipping Tribune provides important shipping news and updates to Maritime fraternity spread across the globe. One of the main objectives of the Shipping Tribune is to provide essential platform for "Shipping and Maritimes networking".

The Shipping Tribune receives over 3,600,000 clicks every month. Our website is visited mostly by ship owners, operators, managers, ship chandlers and senior shipping executives with enormous decision making roles. Our visitors are from all across the globe from Shipping and Maritime Industry. Latest news from the industry is updated on regular basis and our Daily Newsletter is emailed to shipping and Maritime community all over the world.

For the benefit of the industry, we have uploaded a worldwide directory of shipping and related maritime companies which will connect users directly to the respective company's website for more information and specific details. For the benefit of the Merchant Navy officers, we have uploaded study material for oral examination at all levels. We will also upload question papers and model answers in the near future. This section is first such attempt in addressing specific needs of merchant navy officers aspiring to elevate to higher grades.

Our wide network throughout the Industry makes our 'Job Section' very unique and useful for its users of this website. Placing job requirements in our job section by the employers, will certainly reach its intended audience. Advertisers in our classified section will also get the same advantage. This provides much needed "common platform" for everybody interested in shipping/maritime and logistic industry at large.

We welcome all ship owners, managers, operators, ship suppliers, shipbrokers, ship repairers, ship machinery & spares manufacturers and other marine related organizations who wish to extend their market penetration and quality services through The Shipping Tribune. For the same reason, The Shipping Tribune now offers the ultimate flexible online advertising solution for companies wishing to access the international shipping and maritime industry. We can offer standard advertising packages or alternatively we can tailor advertising solutions to accommodate your company's specific needs. We welcome your participation in rewriting your growth story.

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