The Shipping Tribune is very happy to announce that Mr. Ashish Niranjan, Vice President - Head, Shipping & Operations, Nayara Energy will be addressing global audience of the tanker trade on "Global Tanker Business: Current & Future Market Trends" at the 11th India Tanker Shipping & Trade Summit. Mr. Ashish Niranjan is one of the most respected and very well-known name in the maritime industry.
A Brief Introduction of Mr. Ashish Niranjan
Mr. Ashish Niranjan is an MBA Finance heading the Shipping and Operations function at Nayara Energy Ltd. (Formerly Essar Oil Ltd.) Fellow member of Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, Ashish has a passion for shipping.
Mr. Ashish Niranjan Started his journey as a shipping professional with Essar Shipping Ltd., Ashish moved on to set up the shipping desk from scratch when Essar Oil Ltd. began their refining activities. Upon acquisition of Essar Oil by multinational energy companies and other Financial Institutions, Ashish continues to oversee the function of Shipping and Operations at Nayara Energy Ltd., the re-christened name of Essar Oil. In his capacity, he coordinates very closely with crude oil and product traders, price-risk managers on one hand and the Refinery on the other. A die-hard academician, Ashish went on to complete a one-year course in Leadership and General Management from INSEAD in July 2024. The quest in him to explore more allows him to keep looking for new vistas. An avid photographer, a marathon runner, a passionate cyclist, a trekker. Ashish loves all facets of life that he can lay his hands on. He is learning to play a musical instrument. The music of life should go on with the melody that it deserves.
Venue: Hotel Kohinoor Continental, Andheri East, Mumbai
Date: 6th February 2025
Time: 08:45 – 17:00 Hrs Indian Standard Time
Introduction & Objective:
Specialists in the maritime industry will discuss the current scenario and future trends of the Seaborne Oil, Chemicals & Gas Tanker Trade. Be a part of crucial discussions on “ Emerging Opportunities in India's Seaborne Oil, Chemicals & Gas Tanker Trade” with the most well-known and respected Industry professionals. Reducing emission from the shipping sector is on the agenda of the industry and international regulators.
For sponsorship & delegate registration, please contact:
Capt. Virendra N. Mishra, Conference Director
+91-22- 41271324
Come, join us and benefit from the opportunity to connect, confer and conduct business